Innocence (Korean Film 2020) Cast & plot synopsis
“Innocence” (Hangul: 결백) is a 2020 Korean Movie, the film plays as Detective and Thriller, Directed by Park Sang-hyun, the series starred Shin Hye Sun (Ahn Jung In), Bae Jong Ok (Hwa Ja), Heo Joon Ho (Mayor Choo) and Hong Kyung (Ahn Jung Soo) in the leading roles.
Basic details of "Innocence 2020" |
Official Poster | Innocence (Korean movie 2020) |
Native Title | 결백 |
Subtitle | English |
A.k.a | Gyeolbaek |
Director | Park Sang-hyun |
Screenwriter | - |
Genres | Detective, Thriller |
Country | South Korea |
Release Date | May 27, 2020 |
Runtime | 1 hr. 50 min. |
Tells the story of a lawyer named Jung In her attempt to prove her mother's innocence and unravel the secrets of a small village with the help of the local mayor. Her mother, Hwa Ja, was charged with murder after the rice wine was poisoned at her husband's funeral, but she suffers from amnesia and cannot defend herself.
Main Character
Shin Hye Sun as Ahn Jung In
Bae Jong Ok as Hwa Ja
Heo Joon Ho as Mayor Choo
Heo Joon Ho as Mayor Choo
Supporting Character
- Hong Kyung as Ahn Jung Soo
- Ko Chang Seok
- Kim Soo Hyun
- Tae Hang Ho as Yang Wang Yong
- Han Yi Jin as Choi Suk Goo
- Jung In Kyum
- Park Chul Min
- Cha Soon Bae