A French Woman (Korean Movie 2020) Cast & Synopsis
“A French Woman” (Hangul: 프랑스여자) is an upcoming Korean Movie in 2020, the film plays as Fantasy, The film star Kim Ho Jung (Mi Ra).
It was originally confirmed to premiere on the may 21st, but recently the number of Coronavirus (Covid-19) cases increased again and postponed the release on June 4 as social concerns increased.
A French Woman movie Info | |
Official Poster | A French Woman 2020 (Korean Movie) |
Native Title | 프랑스여자 |
Subtitle | English |
A.k.a | Peurangseuyeoja |
Director | Kim Hee Jung |
Screenwriter | Kim Hee Jung |
Genres | Fantasy |
Country | South Korea |
Release Date | Jun 4, 2020 |
Runtime | 1 hr. 29 min. |
Mira, in her late 40's, has lived in Paris for about twenty years. She has just separated from her French husband, decides to visit Korea and meets her old friends, Young Eun and Sung Woo. While she is having a happy time in a bar, Mira goes to the toilet and upon returning finds out that time has returned to 19 years ago. It is the day of Mira's farewell party before she left for France.
Main Character
Kim Ho Jung as Mi Ra
Supporting Character
- Kim Young Min as Sung Woo
- Abel Ryu as Hae Ran
- Alexandre Guanse as Jules
- Kim Ji Young as Young Eun