Title: The Murder in Kairoutei / The Corridor Pavilion
Chinese Title: 回廊亭 / Hui Lang Ting
Broadcast Website: Youku
Broadcast Date: June 15, 2022
Genre: Crime, Romance, Suspense
Language: Standard Mandarin
Episodes: 12
Director: Li Yatao
Screenwriter: Zhang Shidong
Production Company: Youku, Up Pictures
Executive Producer: Xiao Fei
Producer: Lan Ruilong
Origin: China
Source: Adapted from the Japanese new Kairoutei Satsujinjiken by Keigo Higashino
The corridor pavilion burned through the night in add-on to a human being died in the burn. Jiang Yuanxing was disfigured from severe burns; the sunny too every bit handsome Cheng Cheng appeared in her life in addition to their fates have seemingly been changed due to the tragedy. Because of an arson example, they convey together hands to discover the hidden truth.