Title: Babel
Chinese Title: 通天塔 / Tong Tian Ta
Broadcast Website: Tencent
Broadcast Date: June 22, 2022
Genre: Crime, Detective, Police, Suspense
Language: mandarin
Episodes: thirty
Director: Xie Hang
Screenwriter: Xie Hang
Production Company: Tencent Penguin Pictures, Maoyan, RealMine, Golden Shield Television
Executive Producer: Zheng Zhihao
Producer: Li Eryun
Origin: Communist China
Source: Adapted from the new Peeping 120 Days (偷窥一百二十天) past Cai Jun
Lu Xiao, the captain of the criminal constabulary who has many achievements under his belt, sinks deep into the quagmire due to a "floating corpse instance" along a river in Harbour City .
The suspect going past the monicker "Water Ghost" is non solitary cunningly deceptive just besides a diver amongst seemingly superhuman abilities. Lu Xiao in addition to his new partner Fang Yitong experience many hurdles inward the procedure of tracking downwards "Water Ghost". Lu Xiao even loses his dearest fiancee. In Lu Xiao's darkest moment, "Water Ghost" resurfaces.
The next murder target is suspected to be Cheng Lijun, the richest mortal inward Harbour City. Lu Xiao tin can alone rely on his willpower, restraint, word together with courage to become through fragmented clues in an effort to solve the serial murder cases. What lies ahead inward the endless darkness is an extremely capable and ruthless killer.