Let's Fight Ghost (Thai Drama) Cast & Synopsis
“Let's Fight Ghost” is an upcoming Thai drama series is a remake of the popular Korean drama “Bring It On, Ghost (2016)”, the series starred “Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana” (Aof) & “Orn Patchanan Jiajirachote” (Jeans) in the leading roles, “Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana” had previously starred in hit drama “Why R U (2020)” and “Orn Patchanan Jiajirachote” is one of the most popular emerging actress.
Poster | Let's Fight Ghost 2021 (Thai drama) |
Native Title | Let’s Fight Ghost คู่ไฟท์ไฝว้ผี |
Subtitle | English |
A.k.a | - |
Directors | Kongkiat Khomsiri |
Genres | Action, Horror, Romance, Comedy |
Country | Thailand |
Episodes | 16 |
Release Date | Mar 3, 2021 / Apr 22, 2021 |
Airs On | Wednesday, Thursday |
Network | True4U, Netflix |
Runtime | 1 hr. 5 min. |
Synopsis: Let's Fight Ghost
A cohabitation comedy about a ghost of a high school girl who has been dead for 5 years and an exorcist college boy with the ability to see and hear ghosts. What he has discovered over the years is that he can touch and fight them, so if he needs a part-time job and can't find one that pays well enough, he starts posting ads online as an exorcist to rent . His ad: will compete against your ghosts. Chance to win: virgin ghosts 80%, bachelor spirits 40%, child ghosts 97%, the rest 50%. One evening, he sets off and is confronted by a ghost of a schoolgirl, and during the fight they accidentally kiss and spark fly.
Main Cast: Let's Fight Ghost
Supporting cast: Let's Fight Ghost
- Junior Kornrawich Sungkibool - Leng
- Mind Waratthaya Wongchayaporn - Numwan Naviya
- Big Thongpoom Siripipat - Dr. Jade
- Apiwit Bartholomew Reardon - Junior
- Nong Thanongsak Suphakan - Eed