Plot synopsis and brief summary
"Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation" (Hangul: 번외수사) is a 2020 Korean television series. Directed by Kang Hyo Jin and written by Lee Yoo Jin, Jung Yoon Sun, the series stars Lee Sun Bin (Kang Moo Young), Jung Sang Hoon (Lee Ban Suk), Cha Tae Hyun (Jin Kang Ho), Yoon Gyung Ho (Teddy Jung) and Ji Seung Hyun (Tak Wo). "Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation" aired on OCN starting from May 23, 2020 till Jun 28, 2020
Poster | |
Native Title | 번외수사 |
Subtitle | English |
A.k.a | Beonoisoosa, Extra Investigation , Extraordinary Investigation |
Directors | Kang Hyo Jin |
Screenwriters | Lee Yoo Jin & Jung Yoon Sun |
Genres | Investigation, Action, Crime |
Country | South Korea |
Episodes | 12 |
Release Date | May 23, 2020 / Jun 28, 2020 |
Airs On | Saturday & Sunday |
Network | OCN |
Runtime | 1 hr. |
Synopsis: Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation
Jin Kang-Ho (Cha Tae-Hyun) is an enthusiastic and effective detective. He tries to catch criminals in every possible way. He also cannot get along with other detectives. Kang Moo-Young (Lee Sun-Bin) is an enthusiastic PD of a TV research program. The program tries to catch criminals that the police couldn't. Kang Moo-Young is sincere, but she will take risks to reveal the truth. Jin Kang-Ho and Kang Moo-Young meet unexpectedly and they start working together on unresolved issues.
Main Cast: Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation
Cha Tae Hyun as Jin Kang Ho
Lee Sun Bin as Kang Moo Young
Jung Sang Hoon as Lee Ban Suk
Yoon Gyung Ho as Teddy Jung
Ji Seung Hyun as Tak Won