Plot synopsis and brief summary
"Old-School Intern" (Korean: 꼰대인턴) is a 2020 South Korean drama television series starring Park Hae Jin (Ga Yul Chan), Han Ji Eun (Lee Tae Ri), Kim Eung Soo (Lee Man Shik) and Park Ki Woong (Namgoong Jun Su), Directed by Nam Sung Woo and written by Choi Jin Won, The series aired on MBC from May 20, 2020 to July 9, 2020, on Wednesday and Thursday for 32 episodes.
Poster | |
Native Title | 꼰대인턴 |
Subtitle | English |
A.k.a | Intertwined Intern, Kkondaeintern Twisted Internship |
Directors | Nam Sung Woo |
Screenwriters | Shin So-Ra |
Genres | Business, Comedy |
Country | South Korea |
Episodes | 32 |
Release Date | May 20, 2020 / Jul 9, 2020 |
Airs On | Wednesday, Thursday |
Network | MBC |
Runtime | 35 min. |
Synopsis: Old-School Intern 2020
After graduating, Ka Yeol-Chan (Park Hae-Jin) got her first job at a company. Their boss there, Lee Man-Shik, was a "kkondae" referring to a stiff, outdated person. It would impose Ka Yeol-Chan on his old way of thinking. Due to Lee Man-Sik and his old way of thinking, Ka Yeol-Chan quit her job there. Ka Yeol-Chan then found a job at a ramen company. He worked very hard and was promoted unusually fast due to his radical planning and aggressive marketing. Ka Yeol-Chan now works as head of the sales and marketing department of the ramen company. Your position actually has the most power in the company. One day Ka Yeol-Chan has a senior intern. That intern is Lee Man-Shik, who made it very difficult for him on his first job.