Plot synopsis and brief summary
“Mermaid Prince” (Korean: 인어왕자) is a 2020 South Korean television series starring Moon Bin (Woo Hyuk) and Jung Shin Hye (Hye Ri)l, Directed by Ahn SoJung and written by Son YeJin, “Mermaid Prince” aired on Lifetime YouTube Channel from April 24, 2020Poster | |
Native Title | 인어왕자 |
Subtitle | English |
AKA | ineowangja, The Little Mermaid |
Directors | Ahn SoJung |
Screenwriters | Son YeJin |
Genres | Mystery, Fantasy, Romance |
Country | South Korea |
Episodes | 6 |
Release Date | Apr 14, 2020 / Apr 29, 2020 |
Airs On | Tuesday, Wednesday |
Network | Seezn x Lifetime |
Runtime |
Synopsis: Mermaid Prince 2020
Mermaid Prince is about 24-year-old friends who encounter misunderstandings and love during a graduation trip.Main Cast: Mermaid Prince 2020
Moon Bin as Woo Hyuk
Jung Shin Hye as Hye Ri