Plot synopsis and brief summary
"Gen Y" (2020) is an upcoming Thai BL series. Directed by "Kanchanapun Meesuwan", the series stars Kim Varodom Khemmonta, Copter Panuwat Kerdthongtave, Pon Thanapon Aiemkumchai, Junior Ronnakorn Soontornnon, Bank Thanatip.....
Poster | |
Native Title | Gen Y |
Subtitle | English |
A.k.a | Gen Y The Series, Y Love |
Directors | Kanchanapun Meesuwan |
Screenwriters | |
Genres | Romance, School, Youth |
Country | Thailand |
Episodes | 12 |
Release Date | Nov 11, 2020 / Jan 27, 2021 |
Airs On | Wednesday |
Network | Channel 3 |
Runtime |
Synopsis: Gen Y
Mark wants to challenge the doctor. Kit was from the Faculty of Medicine when he said that Kit was difficult to get along with. But on the first day he saw the doctor, he ended up defiling Kit. He continued to pursue his doctor and when he had the confidence to ask Kit to be his boyfriend, at the same time something happened and as a result, Kit did not accept Mark's love. Feelings of disappointment arise with all the characters. After solving their problems, Kit and Mark decided to adjust their understanding again
Main Cast: Gen Y
Kim Varodom Khemmonta
Copter Panuwat Kerdthongtavee
Junior Ronnakorn Soontornnon
Pon Thanapon Aiemkumchai
Bank Thanatip
Jet Jetsadakorn Bundit
Tung Weeraphong
Kad Ploysupa
Fergal Wanchai Power