Plot synopsis and brief summary
“Exemplary Detective” (Korean: 모범형사) is a 2020 South Korean television series starring Son Hyun Joo (Kang Do Chang), Jang Seung Jo (Oh Ji Hyuk) and Elliya Lee (Jin Seo Kyung), Directed by Jo Nam Gook and written by Choi Jin Won, “Exemplary Detective” will mark the reunion of actor Son Hyun Joo and director Jo Nam-Kook, who previously worked together on 2012 SBS drama “The Chaser.” And 2013 drama Empire of Gold. The series aired on jTBC & Netflix for 16 episodes.
Poster | |
Native Title | 모범형사 |
Subtitle | English |
Alternative title | Mobeomhyungsa, A Model Detective |
Directors | Jo Nam Gook |
Screenwriters | Choi Jin Won |
Genres | Detective, Investigation |
Country | South Korea |
Episodes | 16 |
Release Date | Jul 6, 2020 / Aug 25, 2020 |
Airs On | Monday & Tuesday |
Network | jTBC, Netflix |
Duration | 60 min. |
Synopsis: Exemplary Detective 2020
This is a drama about the race between those who want to get close to the truth and those who want to cover up the truth. Kang Do-Chang (Son Hyun-Joo) has been a detective for the past 18 years. He was born and raised in Incheon. He used his own experience and personal connections forgoing scientific and technology or reasoning ability to investigate the case. Oh Ji-Hyeok (Jang Seung-Jo) is a detective. He has 9 years of experience. Unlike Kang Do-Chang, he used evidence and insight into criminal psychology to investigate the case. Due to childhood trauma, he did not share his feelings. Thanks to the late uncle, he was rich, and he left him a lot of legacy. Jin Seo-Kyung (Lee Elijah) is a newspaper reporter. She has 5 years of experience and is passionate about her work.