Plot synopsis and brief summary
“Autumn Cicada” (Chinese: 秋蝉) is a 2020 Chinese web series starring Allen Ren (Ye Chong), Li Man (He Ying) He Du Juan (Jin Xiang) and Liu Huan (Chi Cheng). Directed by Fu Ning, Li Ang and written by Li Ang, Fu Ning. It aired on Hunan TV, ZJTV and iQiyiPoster | |
Native Title | 秋蝉 |
Subtitle | English |
A.k.a | Qiu Chan, Cicadas of Autumn |
Directors | Fu Ning, Li Ang |
Screenwriters | Li Ang, Fu Ning |
Genres | Action, Historical, War |
Country | China |
Episodes | 50 |
Release Date | May 4, 2020 / May 30, 2020 |
Airs On | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday |
Network | Hunan TV, ZJTV, iQiyi |
Runtime | 45 min. |
Synopsis: Autumn Cicada 2020
Our hero is a young man who comes out with patriotism and starts his career in Hong Kong, helping to establish a military base and an intelligence agency. To gather information about the Japanese, he goes by the name of Qiu Chan and with the two identities that conflict with the work and the people around him, he encounters many dangerous situations. When his identity is revealed, he is caught and interrogated in Japan, escaping only with the help of his true love. They are a group of young people who are willing to die for the bigger cause of their country and they keep fighting each other.Main Cast: Autumn Cicada 2020
Allen Ren as Ye Chong
Li Man as He Ying
He Du Juan as Jin Xiang
Liu Huan as Chi Cheng